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Get your hands dirty with HTML and CSS. In this section, you will write instructions to create and edit websites. 

The tools we are using are Sublime Text, a browser, and the OS File Explorer.

WEBSITE Authoring

Video 1: Your IGCSE ICT Website journey starts with headings and paragraph

How to structure your screen for working on your website development.

  • How to create and edit an HTML file for your website.

  • Insert Comments, Titles, Headings, and Paragraphs on your website.

  • Use the auto-completion feature of SublimeText.

Video 2: Conquer Tables in HTML

  • Create a simple table with borders.

  • Add header and footer to a table on your website.
    Use in-line CSS style instructions for:

  • Adjust Cells' height and width.

  • Adjust table width as a percent of the browser window.

  • Center/right/left alignment of the table. 

Learn to Create, Edit, and relational datasets, design data-entry forms, and more.

We are using Microsoft Access!


Video 1: Intro to Table, Primary Key, and MS. Acess

Uncover how tables are structured with records and fields and why they're the building blocks of any database.

Discover the role of primary keys in maintaining order and ensuring each record is unique. 

Video 2: Create a Flat file DB from an existing file

You will learn:

How to import a table into MS. Access from an existing CSV file to create a Flat file database.

Video 3: Creating a Relational DB in Microsoft Access

You will learn:

Create Relational databases from existing CSV files in Microsoft Access.

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